Integrating Security Gates Into Your Businesses Perimeter Fence

We’ve heard it said many times that any chain is only as strong as its most fragile link.  The same goes for protecting your business. Your perimeter security is only as tough as its weakest point… and it’s quite likely that point is an uncontrolled gate.  Secure access points are key to maintaining total control of who comes and goes from your property, all day every day.

Whether yours is a large factory, a small storage yard or a sprawling utilities plant, it’s important to have good, strong gates.  Firstly, they need to stand up to the rigors of everyday use and environmental conditions. More importantly, they need to provide an extra level of protection for you, your staff and your assets.  At Australian Security Fencing, we manufacture gates in a huge range of styles, colors, and sizes to suit every situation.  Our custom-made gates can either be retro-fitted to an existing security fencing system or supplied as part of a total perimeter security system.


Reasons for Controlled Access

As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to monitor who comes and goes from your property 24/7.  However, as we are aware, it’s not always physically possible. It’s unreasonable to expect someone to be present every day to open the doors and lock up at night. Much less stand guard on the gate and watch who is going in and out!  If your business is one that works several shifts, monitoring personnel movement becomes even more important.

Installing controlled gates into your perimeter security system means that you have total control. You can monitor easily who enters and exits the premises.  Whether they are operated from a central office or by authorized individuals. Giving you peace of mind that only people that you trust have the means to get onto (or off) your property.

Another important reason for controlled access points is traffic management.  If traffic from your premises is entering from or exiting onto a highway or busy street, it’s important to ensure that safety is maintained.  Having controlled gates will force drivers to enter or exit traffic at an appropriate speed and help to prevent accidents.

Types of Gate Control

The size of your business and the amount of traffic entering your gates will ultimately determine the style of gate control you implement.  If there is a manned office complex located on site, you may wish to operate the gates remotely.  Alternatively, swipe cars, coded pin pads or biometric recognition systems are all very effective methods of access control.  Maintaining records of who passes through the gates is an excellent source of evidence in the unfortunate event of theft or break-in.

For more help on installing controlled gates into your perimeter security, contact the team at Australian Security Fencing.  We’ve been supplying quality protection systems for Australian businesses for more than 25 years. We have the product knowledge and the practical experience to give you secure access points and peace of mind.