Simple Ways To Make Your Home And Workplace Secure

Personal and business security is something that weighs heavily on most Australians.  And for a good reason.  Your home and your business are probably your most valuable personal assets, and your family is more precious still, so it stands to reason that you’ll do everything you can to protect them.
Security is an issue that is facing society in general.  The newspapers are full of it and every second person seems to have a scary story to tell you…  Of course, it is more of a problem in some places than others, but across the board, it’s a growing threat that we have to come to grips with.  It’s time for home and business owners to sit up and take notice.

Let’s get back to basics, and where better to start than the boundary fence?


Security fencing is the first and most obvious step in your journey to a safer environment.  Your fence requirements will, of course, will depend on the scale of the risk you are exposed to.  As a business or homeowner, you need to assess the risks and erect a fence that suits your application.

Access Control

An excellent fence is a great start, but what about access control?  The ability to monitor who is coming and going 24/7 is invaluable for a business owner.  Advances in technology mean that access points can now be secured using keypad/card ID or biometric identification systems.  This means that only authorised personnel can enter or exit the premises.

On the home front, securing your doors and windows is a vital part of security.  A burglar won’t break a window to enter if there’s an easier option, so make sure all doors are locked, especially at night or before leaving the property.  Electric front gates limit access to undesirable intruders and make your property a safer place for children to play outside.


Your neighbours are an excellent line of defence when it comes to home or business invasion.  So it pays to meet and discuss this topic with them.  Provide them with your contact details so that they can let you know if they notice anything suspicious happening around your property.


It’s unlikely that a burglar will break into a home or business if there’s a spotlight shining directly on them! That’s why it’s a good idea to install lights on motion sensors that will illuminate your property at night. This tactic is especially effective for areas that aren’t clearly visible to the road or to neighbours.

Guard Dogs

A guard dog may be a very valuable asset when it comes to warding off an intruder.  However, think this one over carefully before you make your purchase.  Dogs are a considerable running expense when in food and veterinary services and you must be willing to take on the care of the animal.  If your home is one with children, consider how the addition of a dog will affect your family.

Time and money invested on security are well spent.  After all, you’re protecting the things that matter most to you, so why not do it properly?  The team at Australian Security Fencing is here to help you fulfil your goal of a safer home or business, and give you that peace of mind that only comes with excellent security.  Call us today on 1800 666 927