Risk Assessment for your business and Security Fencing

Risk Assessment is a systematic identifying of dangers involved in a particular situation.  In the industrial world, it means that you, as a business owner, identify risks or potential hazards associated with activities that are carried out on your property, and provide adequate solutions to these situations.

In a lot of cases, the use of commercial security fencing is an extremely satisfactory way of managing a dangerous situation. By erecting security fences, you are taking active measures to protect yourself, your employees and the general public from danger.

Although it may seem a daunting task, to use a common expression, just eat the elephant one mouthful at a time…  We’ve broken the process into 4 easy steps to make Risk Assessment achievable for your business:

  1. Hazard identification

Identify potential hazardous situations in the work place.  A hazard is an unavoidable danger that is present in the workplace, even though it may be foreseeable.  It is your responsibility as a business owner to identify such hazards and take measures to protect your employees and anyone else entering your property.

This first step might be carried out by means of discussions with staff or a physical walk around the premises. Hazards might include chemical storage, heavy traffic areas, machinery or even natural dangers such as waterways or dams.  Also, consider whether anyone on the property is at risk of being harmed by unwanted intruders.

  1. Identify who is at risk

Exactly who is going to be harmed by the hazards in your workplace? – Staff working in the factory or the general public entering the property (e.g. delivery drivers)?

  1. Risk Evaluation and Solution

Make an accurate evaluation of the risk/s on your property and decide on safety measures to minimise these risks.  Don’t be tempted to underestimate the dangers that your business activities present because, in the case of an accident, it’ll most likely come back on your head if you haven’t taken appropriate control measures.  Where possible, try to remove these risks altogether.  If the hazard can’t be removed, safety measures such as security fencing and appropriate signage should be used.

  1. Document your data

As a business owner it is your responsibility to keep accurate records of risk evaluation and if you have 5 or more employees, it is a legal requisite.  By recording the risks and strategies you have implemented to reduce them, it proves that you are serious about the safety of anyone on your premises and you’re actively trying to control hazardous situations.

Most businesses need to constantly review and update their Risk Assessment plan over time as business activities and circumstances change.  As your business grows, you may have to expand your premises and you will likely have more traffic moving in and out of your property.  It is your responsibility to keep identifying current hazards and provide solutions.

The staff at Australian Security Fencing understand risk management and can help you with all your commercial security fencing needs.  Contact us today on 02 4577 9633 and talk to one of our friendly staff about what you require to make your business a safe place.