Commercial Security – The Difference Between Protection And Prevention

Prevention and protection: two words that we might easily confuse.  Or even used simultaneously. But they’re not the same.  In fact, in the security world, they refer to two totally different strategies.  So, let’s get these two terms sorted.
Prevention (n): the act of preventing; effectual hindrance

Protection (n): the act of protecting or the state of being protected; preservation from injury or harm

Knowing the difference

So, as is fairly obvious, they’re different terms, but your business needs both strategies. And for the best results, they need to be used together

We generally think of prevention as the step before protection.  It simply means to lower or eliminate a security risk: averting the danger before it becomes a threat; warding off trouble before it has a chance to develop.  Prevention strategies may take the form of routine security procedures and thorough screening of employees before hiring.
On the other hand, protection is the set of strategies or systems that you have in place to protect yourself should your prevention measures fail to be sufficient.  This means fencing, adequate security systems, and action plans in the event of danger.

Prevention Strategies

“Prevention is better than cure!”  How many times have you heard that old saying?!  Prevention strategies need to be part of everyday life in your business.  In fact, you need to develop a prevention-orientated culture among your staff from day 1.  Funnily enough, this is one strategy that’s not easy to measure: we measure it’s effectiveness by what doesn’t happen, rather than what does!

So, it begins with initial interviews.  Thorough screening of potential employees will help you detect a dodgy candidate before you employ them.  Don’t be scared to ask questions.  Check criminal records, past employment records, education and background before you hire – it may well save you a world of pain down the track.

After the initial induction, prevention policies need to continue in the form of regular physical security audits, up-to-date emergency action plans and cyber security policies.  The storage of keys and the giving out of them too: only give keys and entry/exit pins or swipe cards to those who can be trusted with them.  Simple routines such as closing curtains at night and ensuring that stock/assets aren’t left where they will attract the attention of vandals are very important. Every employee needs to be actively participating in preventing danger and loss to your business.

Protection Strategies

This is the physical armor that protects your business and employees from security threats.  First stop: a good security fence.  Ideally, you want to stop intruders from ever getting onto the property, so a great security fence is essential.  To take it to the next level, fence toppers and electronic systems fitted to fences make undetected intrusion nearly impossible.

Access control, in the form of electronic gates, biometric recognition, and coded keypads are all ways to monitor who comes and goes from each area of your business, at any time.   Equipment such as security lighting, PE beams, and alarms all help to make up your entire business protection system.

The team at Australian Security Fencing understands what it takes to secure a business properly. And we care about your protection.  Call us today on 1800 666 927 and discuss your security needs with one of our staff.