Customised Fencing- 5 Things To Consider When Designing A Fence.

After all, it’s your fence.  So why shouldn’t it be exactly as you want it?  Customized fencing is the way go when you need something specific, something that suits your needs down to the ground.

Fencing is a reasonably permanent construction, so take your time about planning and designing. And ask for advice from a professional.  It’s worth getting it right from the getgo.

So, before you put your shovel into the dirt, here are 5 tips that you might find helpful:

  • Know what you need 

You need to have a firm idea of what you want your fence to achieve.  Is it simply something to keep the dog inside the yard?  or is yours a high-security scenario where it’s important to protect both the property and the wider community from serious threats?  Do you need to install access control systems?  Do you wish to improve the street appeal of the property? All these factors will influence how you design your fence.

  •  Do your homework

Although a boundary fence is a construction on your own property, there are still regulations with which you need to comply.  It pays to contact the local authorities before you launch into your project, and find out what restrictions there are regarding fencing in your area.  Are there height restrictions?  Does it need to blend into the surrounding environment?  In suburban areas, there may be covenants dictating what style and materials a fence can be constructed in.  Take time to familiarize yourself with your local fencing laws before you begin.

  • Contact your service providers

Make sure your fencing design doesn’t conflict with existing factors such as underground pipes. Because let me tell you, there’s nothing more frustrating than sinking an auger into a water pipe! You need to contact your service providers and find out where not to dig!  Most companies are only too happy to do a site visit and show you where the service connections are on your property.

  • Ongoing maintenance

Ideally, you want to design your fence so that it has as little upkeep as possible.  With this in mind, look at low-maintenance options that will stand up to your needs, especially if your climate is a harsh one.

  • Cost

As with any home or business project, you need to cost your project accurately.  You may find it easier to contact a professional team such as Australian Security Fencing and let them take the hard work out of your project!  When a business is familiar with every aspect of fencing and knows ways to help you reduce costs, it takes the stress out of costing and constructing the whole job.

Your new fence is an exciting journey, and the designing stage is only the start!  For an enjoyable and stress-free fencing experience, call the team at Australian Security Fencing on 1800 666 927 and chat with one of our staff.  We’re only too happy to help you design, construct and install a fence that is just what you want, meets all the regulations and fits your budget.