Security Improvements To Consider For Your Property In 2018

Let’s make 2018 the year of security: the year of electronic fence installation.  Because, although we mightn’t openly admit it, we all know that the world isn’t getting any safer.  With each passing year, we are more concerned about the protection of ourselves, our families and our businesses. It’s high time to take action!
While your business may have had a basic alarm system for some time, that’s no longer sufficient to keep your assets safe.  You need to be able to monitor your property at all times, record this information, and control who enters and exits each area.
Firstly, you need to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the property.  So, with this in mind, where better to start than the fence?

What makes a good security fence?

Two things. It needs to be strong. And it needs to be able to deter thieves and intruders. If it doesn’t have those two qualities you might as well invite unwanted guests in. A good security fence is step #1 in your defense against intruders.  Modern anti-climb and anti-penetration mesh fences are proving a roaring success in keeping undesirables out (or in, depending on the circumstances).  ASF SecureMax® is an Australian made product that provides a security barrier second-to-none.  It’s unique design and superior strength makes it an excellent choice for security fencing for:

  • Correctional facilities
  • Government buildings
  • Warehouse and storage sites
  • Walkways, bridges and other public safety applications
  • Stockyards

Security additions for maximum protection

Worried the fence itself might not be enough?  Add a fence topper. A simple and low cost adaptable anti-climb fence topping. Croc top discourages would be intruders from attempting to climb over a security fence or wall ASF. Feel that’s still not enough? Go the next level and install some Razar Tape. Now being used across the country in correctional facilities and industrial estates it prevents intruders and escapees from scaling fences. Made to work, this product presents a formidable barrier for the toughest of the tough!  Sturdy coils armed with sharp barbs are designed to make penetration a very painful, if not impossible feat.

One step further in your perimeter control is electronic fence installation.  Right up there with the cutting edge of technology, products such as ASF Sabra Fence® and ForceField® electric fence can be integrated into your system to take your security to a whole new level.  With your property monitored and protected by tough, reliable, and accurate systems, you can enjoy that peace of mind that only comes with genuine security.

Entry control is another key factor in protecting your business. Affordable, state-of-the-art technology is now allowing many businesses to install identification systems which prevent the entry or exit of unauthorized personnel from the property.  And not only the front gates either: if your business has high-security areas within the initial compound, coded keypads, swipe card and biometric recognition systems can ensure that these areas remain safe at all times.

Other security features which can be easily integrated into your system include security cameras, PE beams, and security lighting, all of which can be monitored from a central control.
At Australian Security Fencing, we’re serious about your personal safety and the safety of your business.  Call us today on 1800 666 927 and discuss your security needs with one of our team. We’ve got solutions.